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Tuesday 26 March 2024

Navigating the Phone Etiquette Maze: Handling One-Sided Calls

We’ve all been there—the phone rings, and you scramble to answer, Meanwhile,the same individual never answers your calls

1. Assess the Situation

Before jumping to conclusions, consider these factors:

  1. Call Log Detective: Check your call history. Are your calls consistently ignored? Perhaps their phone plan is limited, or they’re perpetually out of phone credit. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Timing Matters: Reflect on when you call. Maybe they’re in a meeting, driving, or napping. Respect their schedule. Resist assuming they’re dodging you.

  3. Relationship Dynamics: Has anything strained your relationship? Cold vibes? Seek unbiased advice from a friend before drawing conclusions.

2. Test Your Theory

  1. Alternate Phone: Call from a different number. If still no response, leave a brief message explaining your purpose. Avoid incessant calls—it’s both irritating and rude.

  2. Recruit a Friend: Ask someone else to call them right after you do. If their call gets answered but yours doesn’t, it’s time for a candid chat.

3. Set Boundaries

  1. Mutual Respect: Remind them that phone courtesy goes both ways. If they expect prompt answers, reciprocate. 

  2. OR if this isn't possible and they just continue to not answer your calls and let them go to answerphone when they can answer at their own convenience, then just let all their calls go to your answerphone - after all its only treating them as they treat you

  3. Communication Alternatives: Suggest other modes—text, email, or face-to-face meetings. Decision fatigue? Opt for quality over quantity.

Remember, it’s a two-way street. Balance respect with assertiveness, and soon you’ll master the art of phone juggling. 


1: How to Tell if Someone Is Ignoring Your Calls and Decide What to Do About It 2: How to Avoid Wasting Time on People Who Don’t Respond

Source : I asked microsoft's AI, copilot to "write a short article with a catchy headline about how to deal with people who donlt answer their phone but expect you to answer yours when they call" and then edited the text and added a picture. I did a major edit adding point 2 under 3) above

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