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Friday, 23 January 2015

how to become a #soulful organisation #RSAsoulful lecture & Q&A with @fred_laloux @thersaorg

Yesterday lunchtime I watched this RSA lecture live via youtube.  My thanks to the excellent RSA for organising and live video streaming the event (at the foot of this post you'll find links to other posts on various RSA/TED etc. etc lectures)

In the lecture Frederic Laloux shared insights from his book  - Reinventing Organizations - on how extraordinary pioneering organisations have taken a next step into an approach to management and organisation which is soulful and purposeful and which senses and responds rather than predicting and controlling

romanovsun1:29pm via Twitter for iPhone
Next time you're frustrated at work remember it doesn't necessarily have to be that way - Frederic Laloux #RSAsoulful

The RSA are normally pretty good at posting audio and video of these lunchtime sessions up - but in the meantime here is a summary of the insights I heard from Frederic using some of my notes and others tweets of the event

disruptandlearn1:10pm via Buffer
"I believe there's something in the air that makes us ready for a leap in the field of management, of organisations." #rsasoulful

Frederic talked about a examples from a company called Buurtzorg and the background of the founders experience before - in a nursing business where they had their schedules printed out before the day - so many minutes to give an injection - so many minutes to get to the next patient, scanning barcodes at patientss houses so system/management knew where the nurses were - all to serve efficiency - but underpinned by an understanding of the organisation as a machine with the nurses as cogs in that machine

And how the nurse set up a new organisation where the nurses spent time - had a coffee and a chat - with patients - because one of the aims was to help patients live fulfilling lives. 

Over time it grew from 4 nurses to 9000 and is actually more £ efficient than the previous organisation - as patients become autonomous quicker

changetheconv1:17pm via Twitter for iPad
Purpose of Buurtzorg: to help patients lead rich and autonomous lives, not to be 'care robots' #rsasoulful

Brhmie1:20pm via Twitter for Android
Nurses want to work at Buurtzorg, patients become autonomous faster saving Dutch gov't money. All b/c of internal mgmt change. #RSASoulful

He then highlighted 3 themes of this different approach 

1) Self Management - no organisation pyramid or managers

SparkConf1:21pm via Twitter for iPhone
"Self management requires new organisation". True but you can rely on people to self organise it! #rsasoulful

leebryant1:21pm via Twitter for iPhone
Good point about the need to reinvent lots of basic mgmt infrastructure & mechanisms to make self-mgmt possible #RSAsoulful

pic from tweet by @felicityamorris

colinnewlyn1:24pm via Hootsuite
“Instead of a few at the top being powerful, everyone in the organisation is powerful. The effect is amazing” Frederick Laloux #RSAsoulful

2) Wholeness - show up for work with all of ourselves - not just the narrow ego driven part

TimRecon1:27pm via Twitter for Android
#RSAsoulful - no wonder so many places feel lacking in life when are "encouraged" to bring so little life in!

carysroberts1:23pm via Twitter for iPhone
We put a lid on what matters to us in favour of ego games in the workplace #rsasoulful

Jonathan_Rowson1:23pm via Twitter Web Client
"We show up for work with a professional mask, and wear it for so long that we forget we are wearing it." - Laloux  #rsasoulful

roannedods1:26pm via Twitter for iPhone
We can be more joyful and grateful when we can show up as ourselves not just our egos...Laloux #RSAsoulful

LukeRobboUK1:24pm via Twitter for iPhone
We've all experience the harm caused by petty ego games at work says @fred_laloux #RSASoulful 
Retweeted by Brhmie and 4 others

3) Evolutionary purpose - instead of a predict & control approach a sense and response one

roannedods1:27pm via Twitter for iPhone
We don't need to predict and control'-need more 'sense and respond' in organisation - more humbling and more powerful Laloux#RSAsoulful

Questions & Answers

Thoughts from the answers to Qs on implementing such a change

on self management maybe the control senior managers need to let go of is illusionary anyway

SparkConf1:34pm via Twitter for iPhone
The illusion of control vs true power. Many of us cling to illusions!but leaders in traditional hierarchy have to let go #rsasoulful

can your CEO let go of their ego?

Brhmie1:35pm via Twitter for Android
.@fred_laloux notes 'the kind of CEO that is going to implement this change in mgmt is going to have his/her ego in check!' #rsasoulful

scale of change

In one of his answers Frederic said that some companies had only managed to change on the self management issue - not on the other 2 (wholeness & evolutionary purpose)

DaigleSuz1:46pm via Twitter Web Client
Great questions. #rsasoulful How do you change and maintain current business? Laloux says no one path to get there. Personality of CEO imp.

ELIANT1:58pm via Twitter Web Client
"What are the first two building blocks to start with? That is enough." @FredericLaloux at #RSAsoulful

change management

Heather_coach1:45pm via Twitter for iPhone
Where do I have most energy now, change and listen...lets do what we can and then listen and then do the next step #rsasoulful

lilou__b1:44pm via Mobile Web (M5)
#changemanagement is a myth, change cannot be planned. Start where you have the most energy #Laloux #rsasoulful

carysroberts1:43pm via Twitter for iPhone
Change management perspective is from the old world - can't plan transformation perfectly#RSAsoulful

Hilary_Scarlett1:45pm via Twitter for iPhone
#RSAsoulful: org systems are so complex, that it's impossible to plan change in any detail

management hierarchy

disruptandlearn1:45pm via Buffer
"Better than giving kids guns and teaching them not to use them; don't give them guns at all." Management/hierarchy analogy #rsasoulful


LukeRobboUK1:48pm via Twitter for iPhone
New meeting techniques can transform work says Laloux, encouraging people not to 'speak from the ego' and think more deeply #RSASoulful

The example given was where in all meetings somebody is chosen to hold some small bells - and to ring them if they feel someone was talking from their ego - eventually only needed to reach for the bells and ....

lilou__b1:49pm via Mobile Web (M5)
Love the concept of the 'ego alarm', chinese bells used by some German hospitals whenever someone talks out of ego in meetings #rsasoulful

romanovsun1:48pm via Twitter for iPhone
Who am I serving right now - my ego or something larger? Great question and meeting idea #RSAsoulful

Thoughts from the answers to Qs on advice/consultation/conflict

lilou__b1:59pm via Mobile Web (M5)
Alternative to #consensus vs. Topdown #hierarchical decision: advice process run by all putting in expertise & ownership #RSAsoulful

Jonathan_Rowson1:40pm via Twitter Web Client
"We should have more rather than less conflict. We have too many conflicts of the ego but not enough of the soul." - Laloux  #rsasoulful

One story told was of the boss of the nursing firm - see above almost at the top of this post - and how they sought advice .....

- they blogged about an issue and in the blog wrote something like here's what I think and what the solution might be - what do you think?.  Within 24 hrs the blog post had several responses from frontline workforce - sometime yes that solution sounds sensible - in which case the change is made

- sometimes are you mad that would never work !!!! - in which case the boss replies "oooopps" via the blog - who can help me to design a better solution?

this approach was much faster than a hierarchical one at sorting things by getting some experts on the subject - plus those impacted by its proposals - to comment

other posts on RSA, TED, other lectures, conferences, others blog posts

how to become a soulful organisation - by @fred_laloux - from January 2015

thoughts & headlines from conference on social media and images - from November 2014
Data Protection & Privacy - 8 issues from an International Conference - from October 2014
escape your social horizon limit & understand more - from August 2014
OECD - challenges for the next 50 years - in an OECD report - from July 2014
Want to help somebody - shut up and listen - by ermesto sirolli - from June 2014
social media & death - 10 things you may not have thought about - #DORS conference - from April 2014
persuasion and power in the modern world and the rise of soft power - UK House of Lords - from March 2014
UK Government Policy Blunders & their common causes - by Anthony King & Ivor Crewe - from September 2013
the development of the U2 spyplane - from August 2013
Guide to Comments (esp. #YouTube) for creators - by @vihartvihart - from July 2013
considering culture and business process improvement - from May 2013
ideas for your organisation from the 2013 99U conference - from May 2013
ideas that may help you attract older volunteers - from May 2013
physical factors which help people get better quicker - from April 2013
a new approach to school and education - by Geetha Narayanan - from March 2013
principles for software to encourage participation - by Gerhard Fischer - from March 2013
guiding principles on designing construction kits - by Mitchel Resnick & Brian Silverman - from March 2013
how to identify the #culture of an organisation - from February 2013
signs of overparenting - from February 2013
making ideas happen - from January 2013

how to spot a liar - by pamela myer - from July 2012

the related world of cyber crime, warfare and industrial espionage - by @mishaglenny - from September 2011

ambiguity, irreverence, commentary & judgement - by lauren zalaznick - from September 2011
measuring happiness - from May 2011

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