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This is the 7th weekly Wednesday post on #cofestrategy. It draws together the various info and links made available on "HQ" & diocese website about the theology/thinking behind their diocese strategy.
It is based on my review of the strategy documents on the CofE Diocese and HQ websites as at May/June 2014. Red coloured font ='s text I have inserted or summarised to aid understanding.
The 1st post in this series was Strategy Headline Statements – a summary of key words each diocese uses.
The 2nd post was Strategy Subject Checklist - a summary of key subjects covered by diocese strategy.
The 3rd post was on Strategy Measures - a summary of those used by the various diocese strategy.
The 4th post was on Strategy Best Practice - 10 thoughts to ponder.
The 5th post was a Summary of each diocese strategy with links to key documents and websites
The 6th post was a Selection of the graphics & analogies used in some of the diocese strategy
The 7th post (this) was Theology/thinking behind some of the various cofe strategy - with links to documents
CofE - at the national level
GS Misc 995 - "the three areas of work- contributing to the common good, promoting spiritual and numerical growth and reimaging ministry are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. There is no hierarchy between them. Each is indispensible to the effective pursuit of the three objectives set out in the November Presidential Statement. All flow from faithful discipleship."
GS Misc 1025 - "In relation to the local church, the national bodies of the Church of England have three main roles: to do nationally those things which can only be done effectively and are done most efficiently at national level; to find ways to support the dioceses and parishes in their work, and sometimes to give additional support to aspects of church life which are in danger of being marginalised. All three roles require different kinds of action to be taken."
"Mission Theology and Resources - "The Mission Theology Advisory Group (MTAG) creates mission resources for the whole Church, particularly aimed at reaching people whose spirituality is formed outside the Christian faith. Their resources, Sense Making Faith, Unreconciled? and the website www.spiritualjourneys.org.uk equip Christians to share their faith more effectively and enable spiritual seekers to meet their needs with Christian resources. MTAG‟s Dispossession Project at www.dispossessionproject.org encourages Christians to explore the relationship between mission and social justice (the links between pursuing the common good and going for growth)
GS Misc 1054 - this paper is mostly about the thinking behind the strategy and contains sections on the priority of making new disciples and how this matters because (paragraphs 3-27 of the paper): it is God's mission; it is a matter for all christian communities; it is vitally important; it is the heart of the issue.
GS1815 - this paper sets out some further thinking on possible emphases the 3 areas of work quoted from GS995 above. So, for example, under the the 1st - Contributing as the National Church to the common good - paragraphs 22 to 43 of the paper sets out possible emphases for the areas of work : countering attempts to marginalise Christianity and to treat religious faith more generally as a social problem; being more effective in telling its story; developing the Church’s distinctive contribution to the delivery of statutory education; building partnerships for social cohesion; promoting the wider community use of church buildings; maintaining an international vision.
From the spiritual journeys website - Mission is about finding out what God is
doing and joining in. The mission of the Church is founded in hospitality,
openness, welcome and reconciliation. Bible passages quoted are
Matthew 28. 16-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ...."
John 21.15-17 "Feed my lambs ... Tend my sheep ..... Feed my sheep"
Matthew 28. 16-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ...."
John 21.15-17 "Feed my lambs ... Tend my sheep ..... Feed my sheep"
Mark 16.14-20 "Go into all the world and ...."
Luke 24:44-49 "Repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations ...."
Birmingham - Transforming Church Theology behind Transforming Church: - 1) The Missio Dei 2) Kingdom & Church; 3)Transformation; 4) Growth; 5) The Laos
Bristol - Releasing the Energy of the kingdom of God. Theology behind the strategy - in a one page document.
Chelmsford -
Transforming Presence - Theology behind the strategy - a bible study on Romans 12 v1 to 15 v13.
Chester - Growth Action Planning where each church decides its priorities - (source = website - as at 22/5/14.)
Ely - Imagining the Future This which includes some of the Theology behind this
Exeter - Mission Communities Diocesan mission plan which also includes some of the Theology behind the plan
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