a summary of some thoughts from #DORS - a Death Online Research Symposium by Durham University held on 9-10 April 2014. (and ht to @drbexl and her post at digitalfingerprint for the source info from which I made this summary)
1) Pre-industrial most common death would be a child - in 20 century its an old person
In pre-industrial society, the most common death would be a child, mourned by their household and a community that knew them. Walter
In the 20th century, this changes: typical death is an old person, whose family have moved away & neighbours didn't know them. Walter
Tony Walter's keynote at
#DORS - mourning on Facebook is similar to mourning in pre-industrial age: mourning in and with your networks
3) Facebook mourning may also bring some problems like trolling
"There's a lot to be said for private grief" - online, public mourning can lead to abuse, conflict and trolling. Walter at
4) Facebook profiles - do you know who has the rights to it after your death?
@DamienMcC_dli at
#dors: "Facebook user profiles after death: digital inheritance or property of the network?"
5) Visibility of a deceased person’s content remains as it was set by the account holder while alive
At a young man's funeral, no friends attended - because the family didn't have his passwords and couldn't contact anyone. Simon Allen
8) How will others receive your digital estate inheritance?
#DORS up til 5-10 years ago memories were physical and easy to access ... Now many memories hidden behind passwords..
#DORS physical stuff can only get inherited by one person, but much digital = endlessly replicable... [no legal restraints?]
Game for teens to explore the metaphysics of death http://playtheend.com #dors
11:54 AM - 10 Apr 2014
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