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Wednesday 30 January 2013

with #hindsight we should have known better

ht to the perfect storm energy, finance and the end of growth report by dr tim morgan  - global head of research  - which you can find as a pdf on the tullettprebon website - (found via @jamesdelingpole)

and from which I summarised the following ... 

with hindsight we should have known that:

-  the west outsourcing production and so skilled well paid jobs without making corresponding reductions in consumption was madness;

- the accumulation of unprecedented debt over the last 30 years to fill the gap between production and consumption was only viable on the insane assumption that debt could go on increasing indefinitely;

- key economic and fiscal statistics were delusory  and massaged out of all relation to reality;

- the falling ratio of energy extracted to energy used to extract it meant energy would get more expensive which would carry through into the cost of almost everything – including food;

- we were nearing the end of some 250 years in which growth was assumed to be normal and so our culture of instant gratification would have to change - if not willingly then by been enforced upon society by the reversal of economic growth;

- the failure of near zero interest rates, stimulus spend and the printing of money on a gigantic scale told us the tools that worked in the past were not working anymore which should have indicated to us that something profoundly different was going on;

- when we blamed the bankers or the politicians or the corporations or the advertising industry we were really blaming ourselves for falling for the consumerist message of instant gratification, for buying imported goods, for borrowing far more than was healthy, and for electing glib and vacuous political leaders

Sunday 27 January 2013

Saturday 26 January 2013

Thursday 24 January 2013

#top10 insights into US working mums

the info below is info is sourced from a pew research article

1) working mums are ambivalent about whether full-time work is the best thing for them or their children; 

2) working mums feel the tug of family much more acutely than do working fathers; 

3) due to 1) and 2) most working mums find themselves in a situation that they say is less than ideal;

4) they’re more likely than either at-home mums or working dads to feel as if there just isn’t enough time in the day.
(Overall, 24% of the public said they always feel rushed, 40% of working mothers with children under age 18 said they always feel rushed, and another 52% said they sometimes feel rushed);

5) despite these pressures and conflicts, working mums, overall, are as likely as at-home mums and working dads to say they’re happy with their lives. (36% of working mums said they were very happy with their lives. An equal proportion of at-home mums said they were very happy, and 38% of working dads said the same.  However - for single mums with children under 18 only 27% say they are very happy compared with 41% of married mums, and 63% are very satisfied with their family life versus 85% of mums who are married);

6) 27% of women not currently employed  say family duties keep them from working; 

7) 62% say they would prefer to work part time, only 13% of mums who work full time say having a mother who works full time is the ideal situation for a young child;

8) Only 19% of americans think women should return to their traditional roles;

9) 72% of the public agree that too many children are being raised in day care centres as do 50% of mothers with children under age 5;

10) so the dilemma is that women are a permanent part of the workforce, society has endorsed this historic change, but public opinion hasn’t yet fully come to terms with the tradeoffs inherent in working and raising young children. 

Tuesday 22 January 2013

#takeaways on making #ideas happen

this is my summary from this excellent post on a 99% conference in 2012 that brought 400 or so leading creatives and 18 visionary speakers to new york for 2 days exploring idea execution

Ideas - keep a diary and work on what you are passionate about TERESA AMABILEtackle difficult problems TONY FADELLinnovate from the ground up ALEXIS MADRIGAL, do something risky and off plan now and then JONATHAN ADLER, gut churn and right track pointers probably means you're onto something JAD ABUMRAD,  as does doubt TONY FADELL, take a day off, don't think about the problem, be spontaneous JONAH LEHRER 

People and teams - work as a member of an ensemble and call on each others superpowers KEITH YAMASHITA, diversity is necessary so get people who are really different from you ALEXIS MADRIGAL, invite others to tamper with your ideas, SCOTT BELSKYhire slow and fire fast NEIL BLUMENTHAL & JENN HYMAN,  love growing people's capability SCOTT BELSKY

Attitude - adopt a "yes and" attitude to others input CHARLIE TODD, trust the data especially when it surprises you and invent your own research process PIYA SORCAR, do or don't but forget try BARATUNDE THURSTONyou don't have to listen to anyone JONATHAN ADLERpositive, real and confident CHARLIE TODD, every dead-end helps you in the right direction SCOTT BELSKY

Implementation - set direction and then execute SCOTT BELSKY, have a solid business model from the start and find your niche JASON GOLDBERG, start doing, iterate later rather than forever dreaming RILLA ALEXANDER, know that sometimes the brief isn't right and you need to go beyond design to people PAULA SCHERcelebrate small wins TERESA AMABILE and ship within a year TONY FADELL, sometimes if you just ask you'll get something JAMES VICTORE, using tools doesn't always mean you're making something  BARATUNDE THURSTON 

Self awareness - ID your superpower KEITH YAMASHITA and the ethos that drives you,  reflect and reframe those awful moments to evolve JAD ABUMRADface your demons and get feedback from anyone who will share it, and do candid self-appraisal SCOTT BELSKY pull from the most personal areas of your life to create something meaningful and view your work as a gift JAMES VICTORE .

Customers - quality matters PIYA SORCAR, does it make people smile? JASON GOLDBERG, care about users getting a quality experience and take nothing for granted ALEXIS OHANIAN, listen to your customers, transparency and vulnerability always wins with customers, think about their long term (rather than just initial) experience NEIL BLUMENTHAL & JENN HYMAN, truth and uniqueness go a long way JAMES VICTORE

Stamina - perseverance JONAH LEHRER even when tempted by other ideas that look better, grit RILLA ALEXANDER but if your product isn't catching on, learn from it, and relaunch JASON GOLDBERG.

Monday 21 January 2013

10 #cofe #rules you may not know about

1) its not just vicars who can chair PCC meetings (appendix 2 to rules of representation)

2) in an emergency a lay person may baptise somebody (see here)

3) churchwardens can lead morning and evening prayer - save for the absolution (canon b11)

4) churchwardens can restrain people to keep the peace in a church and/or churchyard

5) in book of common prayer services only certain versions of the bible can be used

6) priests normally take oaths of allegiance to the queen, of obedience to their diocese bishop and make a declaration of assent as to their beliefs

7) ministers may not make known to others crimes or offences confessed to them (except where by the laws of this realm their own life may be called into question for concealing the same)

8) it is the duty of clergy and people to do their utmost not only to avoid occasions of strife but also to seek in penitence and brotherly charity to heal such divisions.

9) unless an archbishop of canterbury says otherwise you can't be made a deacon if you are under 23 years of age

10) No person shall be refused consecration as a bishop on the ground that they were born out of lawful wedlock

Saturday 19 January 2013

#top10 summary from 2013 state of the nation #poll of #britain

british future commissioned Ipsos MORI to conduct a 2013 "state of the nation" poll

2515 online interviews using 24 questions with residents of Great Britain aged 16–75 with the fieldwork taking place 23rd – 27th November 2012

data is weighted to match the profile of the population, scores are out of 100

my top ten summary of the findings is below.

1) me and my family - looking ahead to next year - had the biggest net optimism score (+33 an increase of 27% on the same Q in 2011)

2) the city/town/village where I live - looking ahead to next year - had the biggest % increase in a net optimism score (a 500% increase from +2 in 2012 to +12 in 2013)

3) people's negativism reduced about: britain (by 50%), europe (27%), british economy (47%)

4) pride - 61% would rather be british and people are most proud of the NHS (45%), the armed forces (40%), Team GB (38%) and the royal family (36%) 

5) the most divisive issues are: tension between immigrants and those born in britain and between tax payers and benefit claimants

6) most important for being british - free speech, respect for the law, speaking english, treating men and women equally

7) more likely to get to the top in this country - if you've been to a private school and more so if you are a man

8) 72% agree that the NHS is a symbol of what is great about Britain and we must do everything we can to maintain it

9) 79% think if large companies and highly paid individuals  paid more tax in this country it would make britain's economy stronger in the future

10) wrong track and weaker - 46% think things are off on the wrong track in britain and 56% think that due to the recession britain will be weaker for years to come

full report is here

ht to e church blog who gives a big ht to BRIN

Thursday 17 January 2013

gross #UK #tradefigures underestimate trade with US

traditional measures of trade recording gross flows of goods and services across borders may not accurately reflect trade patterns

trade in value-added is a statistical approach used to estimate the source(s) of value (by country and industry) that is added in producing goods and services for export and import

this page has more info on value added stats and this document has the headlines for the UK which in summary are:

- UK-US bilateral trade is stronger on value-added terms than in gross terms. 

- UK bilateral trade deficit is smaller with France and China in value-added than in gross terms

- 60% of the value of UK gross exports originate from services industries. (one of the highest %'s for countries in the database) with significant services content in manufacturing export

- US remains main destination for UK exports on a value-added basis and has a much higher share of exports (16% vs 21%) than when trade is evaluated in gross terms

- trade with the US also appears stronger in value-added terms, with the United States displacing Germany as the UK’s main supplier. 

ht oecd

Tuesday 15 January 2013

R'ha - amazing sci-fi short

found via @reddittfeed  tweet of a post by puffinfluff  - scifi short created by a 22 year old German student over the course of 7 months 

Sunday 13 January 2013

10 tips on reaching the community with #churchwebsites

some time ago I came across an august 2009 study on this subject by Ceri Longville, a student at Redcliffe Bible College in Gloucester UK at

given that the aim of the dissertation was to investigate strategies for a local church website to implement in order to relate to and touch people living in its surrounding community ....

.... then in summary the points that interested me or thoughts that the document prompted were:

1) make sure your church leaders understand that the internet (and social media like twitter or facebook) are highly populated mainstream communication mediums connecting people in relationships and communities in new ways (and aim for your leaders to be enthused about this whilst understanding that people have different levels of comfort with the technology)

2) assess your website versus the guidelines set out by the Internet
Evangelism Day assessment tool (which asks questions about these three subject areas: design, usability and readability), avoid christian jargon in text and use pictures of people (ask their permission) not just of buildings

3) listen to people who don't go to church and understand that the technology enabled culture shift that has happened means absolute truth is rejected and power and authority diffused “Christianity is rejected not because it has been tested and found untrue but simply because it claims to be true.” (Shiflett, 2009) and  "This equal access to information leads to a diffusion of power and authority. We begin to believe there is no centre (authority) or margin (follower) in the electronic world—everyone is a leader and everyone is a follower” (Hipps 2006, 129). 

4) focus on a shift to evangelism which is “two people walking side by side and talking together”. 

5) make sure the homepage of your website is welcoming to people and that it is a clear and intuitive roadmap to the rest of the site  - and so makes it easy to find out about info on baptisms, weddings, how to contact people and service times, how long they are and what is expected of people at services -  e.g. children, type of music, collection, before and after, disabled access and facilities (and dont' forget to make the site accessible to those with disabilities)

6) if you want to draw non-Christians into your site have personal stories from people at the church, community links, a weekly article by a leader, some form of gospel presentation (avoid too much too soon) with answers to FAQs

7) have a mechanism for interactive online community communication - so you might use facebook or forums for this (take care about privacy settings)

8) consider having content that uses the “Bridge Strategy” to make room for your website content to be what people are searching for.  - "If we write pages on secular subjects or felt needs we can target any group of people. We can call this the ‘Bridge Strategy’... This does not mean that we make trick pages that are not really about the subject they claim to be. If we write a page about restoring VW cars, or breeding mice, or a favourite musician, the page must truly be ‘about’ that subject. (Whittaker, 2009)"

9) preferably have a team of people (with clear roles and well connected with your congregation) to keep the website up to date including people to engage in conversations in any communities or forums you have set up (remember this team will not be all "techies" but more communicators  - and have all of this activity backed up by prayer support)

10) avoid being lulled into thinking your church has arrived in learning how to communicate with digital culture, it is the fastest changing culture in history and is always changing

you may also find this post useful

Thursday 10 January 2013

history of swimwear

History of Swimwear Infographic by Backyard Ocean

Swimwear's history has grown from cavemen furs to science fiction fancies. Take a breath from swimming to see just how the swimsuit has changed through time with an infographic from Backyard Ocean, an Above Ground Pool Company.

via coolinfographics

Wednesday 2 January 2013

counterfeit gods

via justin taylor

You might say, I don’t believe in God, but the bible says not possible,
Everyone has a God, whether or not it’s the God of the gospel.
You might not believe in God, but everyone has that one thing that’s king,
Even the dictionary defines God as what “whatever we make supreme”
It’s a theme, a thread, it’s inside of all human beings,
The fact we all worship, and no it’s not just about singing.
I know some of you already like “Jeff I don’t worship, I put that on the shelf,”
But I say technically we all do, we just worship ourselves.
We all worship something, and to an object we’re all liable,
Ladies, to some your boyfriend is your God, and Cosmo is your bible.

Yet, we mock and we laugh at the Israelites Golden Calf,
But we do the same right back; it just looks different than that.
So question, what’s on your throne?
What do you chase so you don’t feel alone?
So what defines you, what do you give ultimate worth?
And what if taken from you would bring ultimate hurt?

Now see, that is your God

And all of us, we’ve sacrifice deep joy for shallow happiness, and honestly we look like fools,
We’re like full grown adults in the kiddie pool, going oh man, this is so cool
We are slaves to our possessions, we are always craving something new,
Reality check, if you can’t give it up, you don’t own it, it owns you.
That’s the bible, it says we’re all spiritual prostitutes, actually we’re worse.
Because at least prostitutes get paid for their works,
When all we get paid is a hearse

That’s why worship isn’t just behaviour, it goes way into our core,
So ask yourself what is your God? What do you bow down before?
For example some of you in here don’t worship Jesus, you worship what He said,
Got theology in your head, but in your heart, poor, pitiful, naked, and dead.
Some worship in stadiums, some worship in bars.
We worship our possessions, we worship our cars,
We worship science, or we worship the arts,
But see it don’t matter what clothes your idol’s wearing, the disease is our hearts

Or guys, how come you always say, “ya I’m a man, because I’m in control!”
Yet why cant you stop having sex with your hand, while staring at your macbook pro
Then there’s those guys who trade their wives for their job at work
Where they give more time to their boss then their wife’s needs or hurts
And you ladies, no guy can love you more than jesus already has,
So stop getting your worth from Magic Mike, Jesus is so much better than that
I know you’re thinking,  “so jeff, are you saying we should hate money, hate drinking, and never have sex.
No, Im not saying that. The bible says enjoy it all, in its proper context.

But now I want to transition, and make a spiritual incision,
Can you really tell me these things are the ultimate purpose of living?
Instead of worshipping the Creator of you and I,
We say screw you God I’ll take your stuff, but you can die.
But that trade is terrible, trading God for man
Its like God offers us water, and we say “but God, this is such good sand!”
You say, “a God that requires me to give up something” I just can’t fathom,
Yet most are willing to give up everything for a quick orgasm?
You call me a wimp for running to God when times get hard,
Yet you do the same, you just run to the bar.

I mean am I the only one that’s felt that gnawing within?
Am I the only one that’s felt the weight of my own sin?

But here’s what’s unique, so go ahead and critique,
but if hear anything in this poem, hear this one thing I speak.
Where we exchanged ourselves for God, thinking we could be Him,
He exchanged himself for us, absorbing all our sin.
God put on flesh, and do you see how we treated him?
The ultimate war veteran, because he was killed for our freedom.
Nonetheless He was thinking of you and me, with every whip that beat em,
And to think he did that knowing full well we’d say nah, we don’t really need him.
But like a Father, he couldn’t bare his children to not be free
So he thought up that tree, paid our fee, for specs of dirt like you and me
So my plea is let Him restore His proper place,
I promise you He loves you right now. Just trust in His grace.
Because before I leave, I’ll leave you with this
What of those other things you worship took nails in their wrists?
Or how about when was the last time money or sex forgave you?
Whens the last time your boyfriend set you free from all you’re enslaved to?
What else is there that died so you could be made new?
Or when’s the last time the world promised satisfaction, and actually came through?