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Where the stuff on this blog is something i created it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License so there are no requirements to attribute - but if you want to mention me as the source that would be nice :¬)

Sunday 28 August 2011

myers #briggs & prayer & church welcoming types

this significant truths blog post lists the prayer for each personality type (according to myers briggs)

this online test helps you id your personality type

and this bukisa post suggests the prayer type best suited to your personality

and this is a great post on myers briggs and church welcoming types from the beaker folk

and another on bible personalties from changing worship

and another on why the myers briggs is meaningless

Saturday 27 August 2011

Sunday 21 August 2011

graduation speech - conan o'brian

the serious stuff starts around 16:21  - you can find the full text here - and in summary what he is saying is:

 - there are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear realized.

 - whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come, the beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.

 - whatever you think your dream is now, it will probably change, and that’s okay.

found via simplicity 

Friday 19 August 2011

change when public servants get paid to save the nhs money

this freakonomics article reports on some 2010 research which apparently shows a link between mortality rates and when people get paid (the 30 years worth of data used is from the usa)

one explanation offered for the link is that when we get paid we go out shopping (which increases the risk of all kinds of things like car accidents or heart attacks) 

in summary it’s not the receipt of income  - it’s the activity generated by the receipt  - that’s the killer

so here's an idea

if the government paid different groups of it's employees at different times of the month

then presumably that would smooth the accident/health effects described above

and so spread the load of such on the nhs across the month more evenly

photo by leo reynolds

Thursday 18 August 2011

social media thoughts

and all sorts of other related bits and bobs can be found at this site by Dr Mariann Hardey from Durham University

research - from Sept 2011 the latest extracts from hers articles, books, journal papers and other research

inspiration - a mix of creative thoughts, academic works and commercial collaborations

story - hers

knowledge - some links to free stuff

consulting - her soft sell

portfolio - mostly presentations

wisdom (a blog) - short headlines/teasers with links to more

journalism - links to some of hers

found via pmphillips

Tuesday 16 August 2011

have transnational corporations being acting anti-competitively as a bloc?

so how many of these corporations do you recognise?

i ask because its possible that due to their close ownership ties they have been operating as a bloc

and we wouldn't know it because till now nobody knew the extent of their cross ownership

i came across this info on g+ in a post by john baez on a paper called "the network of global control" that alexander kruel had pointed out to him. 

you can get the paper here from cornell university library.

the paper (submitted 28/7/11) is by stefania vitali, james b. glattfelder and stefano battiston and it starts to perform the task of uncovering for the 1st time the worldwide structure of corporate control of transnational corporations.

my mega summary of some of the astonishing things it appears to start to prove (previously some of us suspected but .....) follows:

1)  nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of transnational corporations in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 transnational corporations in the core; 

2) about 3/4 of the ownership of firms in the core remains in the hands of firms
of the core itself - cumulatively they hold the majority share of each other and so the core has almost full control over itself;

3) almost 3/4 of the core is made up of financial intermediaries;

4) recent works and experience show that when a financial network is very densely connected it is prone to systemic risk;

5) this connection by ownership could facilitate the formation of blocs hampering market competition;

6) at a national level even small cross-shareholding patterns can affect market competition - but at a global level this has never been documented - and antitrust institutions monitor at a national - not global level

john davies sermons

he's put them all here 

a very useful resource

Thursday 11 August 2011


this you gov/sunday times survey 

(found via

was done in june 2011  with 2451 adult respondents

and found that (page 6);

12% said they belonged to a gym - and the same % said they belonged to a trade union;

10% said they belonged to the national trust;

6% of adult Britons claim to belong to a ‘church group or bible study’;

5% said they belonged to a football club;

3% said they belonged to a book club or reading group;

2% said they belonged to a golf club;

1% said they belonged to the conservative party.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Sunday 7 August 2011

Friday 5 August 2011

eat, learn, move (g+)

apparently 3 blokes covered 38k miles and 11 countries over 44 days

to create these fantastic 3 videos

eat from rick mereki on vimeo.

learn from rick mereki on vimeo.

move from rick mereki on vimeo.

found via  where the link was submitted by rebound

Thursday 4 August 2011

words newspaper headlines use


i wonder how their use affects our world view?