useful in parts
south cambridgeshire (uk) based explorer - i post stuff i think is ok. sometimes i create summaries of others stuff. now & then I'll create content when inspired. it keeps me amused.
Where the stuff on this blog is something i created it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License so there are no requirements to attribute - but if you want to mention me as the source that would be nice :¬)
Sunday, 23 March 2025
Saturday, 22 March 2025
Heathrow Closure - reporting on something going wrong
Today all forms of media reported chaos, anger and confusion as something went wrong with the electrical power supply to Heathrow Airport in the UK.
Hat tip for photo to Bao Menglong on Unsplash
One media expect commented that "In reporting on this I had to get my thesaurus out to explain the consternation, surprise, shock, distress and embarrassment this unprecedented disruption has caused with its huge and awkward impacts"
Politicians were quick to comment "Obviously its too early to comment as we don't have the full facts nor a considered root cause analysis of why this happened. But I can say, with absolute certainty, that there will be questions that need to be answered. And I intend to stand tall and ask those questions in a manner that in no way maximises my public recognition scores"
Expert pundits were able to add some light and insight to the closure. As one said "As an expert in this area I have, in no way, previously pointed out Heathrow Airport's vulnerability to this sort of failure. However I can say that there should have been contingency plans for such a possibility. And of course I am able to assume in making such statements that the closure of the airport was in no way part of a contingency plan for such an event"
A newspaper owner has publicly stated "Thank goodness for these types of unexpected events, it really helps us in getting people to read my legacy media".
Digital media influencers were also quick to use AI to write a short click bait headline article on the Heathrow closure, which conveniently linked to whatever product they are promoting without complying with advertising rules or declaring their income to the tax authorities.
Some of the inhabitants of X have tweeted about how the closure was linked to some form of wokeness they dislike. Whilst others have pointed out that the co-incidence of the airport and M25 closures were obviously a cover up for UFO landing at Heathrow.
Too put all of this into perspective a business insider said "Once again this failure demonstrates how private equity investors in monopolistic enterprises can really help a business focus on maximising returns for investors, rather than wasting money on building resilience into operations"
Friday, 21 March 2025
A Guide to Figuring out the Age of an Undated World Map by #xkcd
A Guide to Figuring out the Age of an Undated World Map by
— Information is Beautiful (@infobeautiful) February 27, 2025
Thursday, 20 March 2025
Laurel and Hardy dancing to Billie Jean.
Laurel and Hardy dancing to Billie Jean.
— Joe G (@EastEndJoe) March 1, 2025
Have an awesome day everyone.